Well the jack plate didn't fit quite as it should as illustrated in the previous post . . . and . . . just putting it on the side didn't feel right in the end so I decided to recess it in one direction . . .

So on the left is the process in progress, the blue part above the sand 'paper' wrapped jack plate is multiple layers of painters tape to provide a guide. The sandpaper (starting with 80 and going to 320 grit) was wrapped around the jack plate so everything would end up nice and tight.
On the right is close to the finished product, the sharp edges at the left and right side left by the sanding are already rounded over using some 320 grit sandpaper.

So here is the final product . . . . I unfortunately DID put some scratches on the jackplate . . . nothing that some use wouldn't have done but . . . . next time I'll put some painterstape over the outside face before starting . . . impatience is the bane of my existence . . . . after ?? years I really should come to grips with it . . .
The sand 'paper' in the first picture is the flexiple 'plasticky' kind from Lowes . . . very nice to use around sharp corners . . .
A note about sanding: a nylon bristle brush is nice to clean out the dust from the sandpaper to keep it nice and fresh & effective, something borrowed from the copper/bronze brush used to clean out the filings from a rasp or file.
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