Saturday, January 20, 2018

Guitar circuit revision

The original circuit I showed some posts back works but I'm not satisfied with how the tone knob works (or rather what it does ... or maybe that should be doesn't) do to the tone so it's time for some more experimentation. I may actually temporarily change the tone switch to switch between an onboard traditional tone circuit and and 3.5mm connector  hanging out of the pick guard so I can easily test different tone circuits but we'll see. Oh and the treble bleed never got implemented . . . still have to try that BUT it's another switch and I never drilled the hole for that one . . .

So here it is . . . . the complete circuit . . . .

SD Prails pickups, my version of triple shots, phase switch and rotary 4 position PU selector with selectable treble bleed as well as selectable tone circuits traditional tone and greasebucket circuits . . . . NOT sure about the value of the tone pot yet . . . may keep that as a 500K but then I may solder a 500K resistor from the 0.1 to 0.022 caps to change it to a 250 when switching in the greasebucket. I currently have a linear tone pot BUT the first 1/3 seems to do pretty much zip thus the substitution of a log . . . the volume is already a log but I saw that the original circuit actually had a linear . . . I'm happy with the log so I may well keep it.

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