Here are the intended players in today's drama.
The holes supplied were not deep enough so these needed to be drilled out . . . . AND . . . . of course the flat point drill bit my dad brought over has a shank the same size as the bit = 11 mm . . . . which is ... JUST ... big enough not to fit into the 3/8 collet (I think that's what it's called) on my drill . . . . . SO that was a NO GO.
The boxy thing has 2 11 mm holes lined up dead vertical to help keep the drill bit aligned in lieu of a drill press . . . which I don't have . . . basically a couple of scrap pieces of 3/4" white wood for the sides and 2 1/2" pieces for the top and bottom screwed together. The blue tape is on the bottom over the crew heads to prevent scratches. The metal ring is a depth stop . . . to prevent drilling THROUGH the body should the bit grab.
OK so the flat point bit doesn't work (it WILL NOT fit the chuck of the drill FAIL . . . ) . . . back to the brad point, after verifying that I have enough depth for that little brad point to not go through . . .
Check depth needed . . . and against the body (sorry no pic) . . . and I did make a couple of pictures of actually setting the inserts BUT . . . they are all out of focus . . . darn.
So here is the finished product . . . . one step closer to a playable instrument . . . .